Real People Share - Paula Costinha
Feb 15, 2022
Paula Costinha, 46 anos, Basketball & Sports Mental Coach
What is the meaning of life?
For me the meaning of life is to be surrounded by my family, people who love me and who make me grow; to do what fills my heart and soul; is to love unconditionally all living beings and to be in connection with nature; is to be at peace with you and the people around you; is to do physical exercise to strengthen our body.
How is true peace?
For me the true peace is to be at home with my family, to read a book, to listen to music in an atmosphere of calm and tranquility. But it is also to be on the beach with the family enjoying nature together with friends, always in an atmosphere of calm and tranquility
What is the greatest quality humans possess?
Kindness, compassion, honesty, humble, generous, sincerity, truth, growth
Name 3 people that you admire and why?
- Cláudia (sister): the pure love within her and lived in its essence
- Satya: through the values of honesty, compassion, integrity and love, she continues to help people to meet their true Self.
- Nelson Mandela: the pure love he felt for all human beings despite everything that passed, as well as the calm and tranquility he transmitted.
What does love mean to me?
Love is everything to me! And I speak of various kinds of love. The love for your family, for your partner, for the basket, for your profession, for what you do, for your friends, etc. You only grow if love is involved. Love is the basis of our internal, personal, and professional growth.
Where does my happiness come from?
My happiness comes from little things of everyday life; the sun, the beach, my sister, nature, basketball, my athletes, my books, physical exercise, meditation, my music, my friends, my ideas, my dreams, believe in love, my inner work, from silence, calm and tranquility.
What is my inspiration?
My inspiration is my dreams. I move to create a wonderful life with a beautiful family next to me, to be a great basketball coach, to help people find their dreams and also to have wonderful friends by my side.
One song:
This is Me – The Greatest Showman Cast.
Is Nature important for you? Why?
Yes, nature is very important to me because it nourishes me, I feel stronger; At the end of the day I like to walk in a park near my house; I love the beach and the sea where in the summer I spend most of the time to enjoy what have to offer, normally, calm and tranquility.
What is faith for you?
Faith makes me believe that everything is possible; feel that I have "someone" who listens to me in my moments of inner listening; that I can connect to something so deep and internal that makes me a person with more wisdom and that I can handle what is happening at the moment. If it's bad, I know it will pass. If it's good, I'll enjoy it.
Do you believe in GOD?
Yes! Knowing that there is "someone" who listens to me in my moments of inner listening makes me feel more at peace with myself; i feel protected.
Do you believe in a higher consciousness?
I do not know if it is a higher consciousness because I consider that we all have this awareness. But we are lost between what we are, what we want to be, what we think we are and what others think we are...
What message would you give to the future generations?
Live your dreams and have fun!
How do I want to be remembered?
I want to be remembered as a calm, quiet and fun person who lived her dream: to have her beautiful family, to be a great basketball coach and to help people to meet their true self and to follow their dreams.
Paula Costinha
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