Meet Satya

Satya is a Consciousness Activist


She dedicates her life helping people to heal their wounds, to get their full potential, awaken their own soul wisdom, and expand their consciousness.

From a very young age, Satya was deeply interested in philosophy, questioning our origin and what would be our purpose as conscious beings.

In her passionate and light-hearted way, she shares a comprehensive approach that goes beyond cultures and traditions.

She has years of experience working with several transformation processes and therapies, such as meditation, breathwork, bioenergetics, primal work, emotional stress and trauma release, ancient wisdom, fire-walking, soul expression and energy reading.

Her main work lies in bringing together ancient rituals with contemporary therapeutic techniques.

Satya is a Consciousness Activist


She dedicates her life helping people to heal their wounds, to get their full potential, awaken their own soul wisdom, and expand their consciousness.

From a very young age, Satya was deeply interested in philosophy, questioning our origin and what would be our purpose as conscious beings.

In her passionate and light-hearted way, she shares a comprehensive approach that goes beyond cultures and traditions.

She has years of experience working with several transformation processes and therapies, such as meditation, breathwork, bioenergetics, primal work, emotional stress and trauma release, ancient wisdom, fire-walking, soul expression and energy reading.

Her main work lies in bringing together ancient rituals with contemporary therapeutic techniques.

Satya has traveled around the world and has been inspired by the indigenous tribes and cultures of Indonesia, Mexico, Hawaii, Peru, Brazil, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, England, Portugal, Kyrgyzstan …

Satya has traveled around the world and has been inspired by the indigenous tribes and cultures of Indonesia, Mexico, Hawaii, Peru, Brazil, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, England, Portugal, Kyrgyzstan …

During 9 years she was part of the Board of Council Directors for one of the oldest pillars for Human Inner Growth and Conscious Awakening in Portugal.

Now Satya develops a new solid & honest platform for transformation, awareness, healing and well-being.

She is the founder of several transformation processes like The Sacred Lotus Journey, Soul Wisdom Retreat, The Way Is IN, Founder & Director of the International Awareness Facilitator Training School… and other many processes.

Her passion and commitment to human being led her to co-found, in 2009, an institution that works with people in the corporate World, starting the Firewalking Corporate Movement in Portugal, as a way of Self-Knowledge, turning fear into power. Satya is the first Portuguese Women Firewalker Master in Europe.

She is a Vision Quester from the Sacred Fire of Itzachilatlan, a Sacred Pipe Carrier and a Sacred Sweat Lodge Keeper around the world.

Satya has been working with Amazonian Sacred Ancient Traditions since 2008 when she dives for the first time into a profound Diet in the heart of Peruvian Amazon Jungle.

Since that time, she has been working at the Peruvian Amazon Jungle every year, taking international groups for deep healing and transformation during her Sacred Ayahuasca retreats.

Born in Portugal but belongs to the world, mother of the amazing twin boys.

Satya in a Nutshell

In SATYA IN A NUTSHELL series, you will discover the origin of the name "Satya," her growth, the struggles, the conquests, and her entire journey from a curious little girl to becoming the founder of Working with Satya.

It took years of diving through different methods till she understood that one level of the work is done on the personality level – emotional, mental and physical, but the more profound one is done on the level of consciousness, that goes beyond all the roles and experiences that happens to us.

Join us as Satya shares her inspiring story and wisdom.

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Remembering Your True Essence

Satya sees our authentic essence grounded in our human bodies and daily life. Through the expansion of our consciousness, through the healing of our pain body, we can return to and awaken pure presence of our authentic being beyond the busy mind and egoistic sense of self—accessing infinite wisdom and creativity.

Our Vision 

We create a safe and professional space where people can trust to dive in their own inner work of awareness, deep healing, overcome trauma, well being, inner peace and joy. 

We support evolution of people to overcome traumas, conditioning, fears, doubts into self-trust, self-love, compassion, healthy relations, compassionate communication, ability to help others and to create a new society based on unity, brotherhood and sisterhood, respecting the uniqueness of each individual.

 We are a spiritual community serving human consciousness evolution to contribute to a new world where unity is a reality.

​We are Spirituality in Practice. We are Consciousness. We are Natural Psychedelics. We are Science. We are Ancient Indigenous Wisdom. We are YOU and you are LIFE!

We go beyond belief systems, cultures and religions.

We create a safe space for souls to evolve into and with the Mystery of Life respecting differences as expression of Divine Existence.

Practical Spirituality is our Philosophy,

Nature is our Temple

Humans are our walking Altars.

Our Mission


Our mission is to support and to give tools to launch a meaningful new way of living that people love and feel proud of their own path and creation.

Through the combination of Indigenous Ancient Wisdom and Modern Therapeutic Techniques, we seek to contribute in a positive and meaningful way to the world by bringing exceptional health and joy to everyone we work with!

Main Principles:


Truth: Only in truth, we can transform.

Integrity: What we say and what we do is a clear reflection of what we are.

Respect: For us each human being is sacred.

Professionalism and Quality: We aim to deliver more than is expected.

True Service: We serve consciousness beyond personality to help the soul to rise

Deep Compassion: We serve without judgment or criticism with a loving approach.

Unity: We serve a new compassionate society beyond any nationality, respecting the uniqueness of any culture.