4 . 16 JAN 2025

26 AUG . 7 SEP 2025





Find transformation and healing in the mysteries of indigenous ancient wisdom.

Dare to live the opportunity to achieve a healthier, more peaceful and purposeful life in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon jungle.

Language: English, Russian



With your true self.


Your inner power.


Into new States of Awareness.





" Imagine yourself arriving at a destination where the time has a calm pace and the warm weather embraces you. You travel for miles, you lose sight of the city, and you are stunned by the beauty of the landscape where we belong.

You are standing before the invitation of the greatest of all masters: Mother Nature… and She whispers to you: Welcome Home."

We welcome you into to the Ayahuasca Jungle Retreat with Satya



 A 12-day experience where time serves an incredible opportunity for personal growth and true change in the way we live!



The home of countless sacred plants - the world's largest medicinal source - the Amazon, is the ideal place to immerse yourself in indigenous ancient wisdom, which through sacred practices allows us to experience the healing and consciousness-expanding potential that dwells in this powerful realm.

This is the basis of this Ayahuasca retreat designed by Satya. In this retreat, silence, communion with nature, and 5 sacred Ayahuasca ceremonies are key ingredients for the transformation you are looking for.



 A Deep Rest for your Soul, Body and Heart

The perfect balance between relaxing, enjoying nature, and also learning, growing and empowering yourself to recreate yourself.

Indigenous Ancient Wisdom

Step out of the known world and immerse yourself in ancient rituals and ceremonies, accessing new states of consciousness through sacred plants.

A Shift in Your Life

 Discover a new perception of yourself and your relationships. Find out what blocks and conditions you and recall the joy of living.














“It’s incredible how sacred plants arrived before us and

have the power to teach us how to be Humans


The Ayahuasca Jungle Retreat with Satya has its origin in "La Dieta", a practice that is thousands of years old followed by tribes living in the Amazon. It is considered one of the most important traditions, which have allowed indigenous communities to remain healthy and spiritually sane.

Following ancestral practices, this plant diet will be done in harmony with nature. In Ayahuasca retreat center each of us will live in our own Tamboo, a small wooden bungalow by the river, where the meals - which follow a specific diet - will be delivered to you by the center's kind team.

During the day you can read, paint and express your creativity - which will be especially expanded - or walk in nature and enjoy the sun by the river. 

Every other day, the group gathers at Malloca. We will be together to think about certain topics, receive teachings and have the opportunity to share insights about this very special time.

It is at the Malloca that the 5 sacred Ayahuasca ceremonies of this diet take place (4 at night and the last one in the morning).

During the ceremonies, you will be invited to drink a brew (or tea) of master plants – Ayahuasca – collected from the jungle and prepared in a sacred way.

Satya's 14 years of experience with plants and the demands she places on her inner work make her a very special certified guide on the profound Ayahuasca retreat journey that takes place in each ceremony.

Satya follows the lineage of the healers. That is why in the ceremonies she guides there is space not only for new insights but for true healing on the level of body, mind, and soul.



Dare to discover the unexpected teachings of the jungle!


Sacred plants are one of the most precious tools that we have.

They are a key to consciousness that goes beyond

any therapy that I know.”


Ayahuasca is “the vine of the soul”. Its name comes from Quechua’s language:  “aya” means soul, spirit, or ancestor, and “huasca” means vine or rope.

Ayahuasca is a brew (or tea) made from two sacred plants: both of which are collected from the jungle in a sacred way.

This combination, which is still a mystery to many researchers, is above all a doorway to a direct connection with the deepest dimensions of our being and soul. It allows us to find a detached perspective of our own thoughts, and ego games, and to see as never before the way we function and relate to others.

Studies have also been carried out to attest to Ayahuasca function in healing physical illnesses, such as cancer or autoimmune diseases.

 Find More Information About Ayahuasca Here:



*It is very important that natural psychedelics are taken consciously and with experienced and licensed facilitators, as they can put your physical, mental, and emotional health at risk. For this reason, everyone who attends Ayahuasca Jungle Retreat with Satya is interviewed by a specialist from our team. They are instructed on all the procedures they should take before, during, and after the Ayahuasca retreat to make it safe.

 This sacred medicine, that is more and more studied by science, can be a gateway to:



Find focus in life.


Improve your well-being.


Emotional Regulation.


Immerse yourself in your spiritual dimension as never before.

Achieve improvements in symptoms of depression, post-traumatic stress (PTSD), and anxiety.

Beneficial effects in the treatment of addictions and other disorders.

Each Sacred Ceremony is a Journey


All sacred ceremonies in Ayahuasca Jungle Retreat are led exclusively by Satya. She guides the entire group on an authentic journey, but each has her hand to go exactly where they need to go at that moment.

On the return her gentle attention and strong presence brings everyone back, so that they can then take to everyday life the commitments they have made across the barriers of time and space.


The Integration Process with Natural Psychedelics (such as Ayahuasca) is a very important stage of this work in which the participant integrates the insights of their experiences into daily life.

When you return home you will stay in touch with our team members and receive materials that will help you to review your experiences and analyse them more closely so that you can put them into practice. This is a time to align the intentions you have brought to this journey with what you have experienced and apply it to the several areas of your life.

Your well-being is a priority for us and we are always willing to provide you with any support you may need.






Satya is a Consciousness Activist. She became the first female Portuguese Firewalker Master in Europe. She was also a Vision Quester from the Sacred Fire of Itzachilatlan, a Sacred Pipe Carrier, and a Sacred Sweat Lodge Keeper around the world.

She has spent more than a decade leading Teacher Plants (Natural Psychadelics in general and Ayahuasca as well) Sacred Ceremonies and helping more than 60.000 people around the world.

Satya always tried to put into practice what her restless soul was asking her to do. That is why she soon began studying and traveling around the world to discover ways of understanding existence and the human being.

She has been inspired by the indigenous tribes and cultures of Indonesia, Mexico, Hawaii, Peru, Brazil, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, England, Portugal, and Kyrgyzstan.

Having worked with a variety of transformation processes and therapies for 13 years, Satya's main focus lies in combining indigenous ancient wisdom with modern therapeutic techniques.

Satya created her own method and founded the school where she teaches it: Awareness Facilitator School.

Satya has been working with Amazonian Sacred Ancient Traditions since 2008 when she dives for the first time into a profound Diet in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon Jungle.

 On her long Indigenous Path Of Healing & leadership, Satya received teachings and blessings for her work from José Campos, Peruvian Shaman, Carmen Vicente, Equador Shaman, Don Toño, Huichole Shaman, and others.

Over the years, she has worked alongside an experienced healer. However, the day came when she began tracing her own path to guide people through their own healing and evolution.


There are countless reasons why people have taken part in the Ayahuasca Jungle Retreat with Satya.


Some come because they are facing difficult situations in life, others come looking for healing of the mind or body, or simply to get to know themselves better.

 The truth is that they always leave with new inner discoveries, strong insights, and unforgettable memories.

Ayahuasca Retreat Reviews


"For me, one of the biggest healings was to find my place, inside and outside of myself.

 “Honestly, probably there are no words to describe this work. You feel your life changing and you really start to awaken. You find a deep hope, a deep belief that you have this place of belonging in this world. That you are not just a separate human being with some personal purpose… but you really belong to this beautiful home."

Yullia, Ukraine



“ I don’t know if I got more insights in the ceremonies or alone, in silence, in my tamboo.

For me, to work with Satya is a gift from God. She has a very big heart and I feel she loves everybody, this world, nature and that she loves what she is doing. In these days I’ve been healing my body, my soul, my heart… facing very deep fears from my childhood. And I found a lot of gifts. The support… the people, we became brothers and sisters, and the silence...

Andrei, Ukraine




“It is one of the most beautiful and powerful experiences one can ever have"

Being in a ceremony led by Satya is very powerful. Through her, we can see the beauty and the power that exists not only in what we can see, but also in the things that we don’t see or understand, at least rationally, in our daily life.

Diogo, Portugal

"I am still here and I already miss the jungle and what I experienced these days"

I have wanted to come to the jungle for several years now to do this diet. Finally, my moment has come and I couldn't be more grateful. Here, I found answers in one night, which I had been looking for, for more than 15 years in therapy... Satya guides us in communion with the plants. She gives us the security to go where we need to go and see what we need to see. I am still here and I already miss the jungle and what I experienced these days. I want to come back, without any doubt.”

Telma, Portugal

"You’ll do more than put a seed in the ground. You’ll make sure these forests can survive for future generations."

Helping to regreen our planet:

One tree at a time!

 By participating in this retreat, you will contribute and have the opportunity to plant a tree by you in the Amazon Rainforest and give back to our beloved Mother Earth.

 We want to help reverse the cycle of destruction and turn it into a new cycle of creation.


Fill out the following form and our Retreat Specialist will reach out at a time convenient for you


Fill out this form to be contacted by a specialist from our team.

You will be given all the information about Ayahuasca Jungle Retreat with Satya, including the retreat schedule, all the materials you need to bring, the specifics of the diet and why we do it and the clarification of all your doubts about staying in the Jungle and working with natural psychedelics.

If you decide to participate, we will begin your process with an interview about important aspects of your life. This will ensure that this very special journey can be done safely and so that we can support you in the best possible way from the very first moment.

 This life-changing journey is open by application only. Limited Group.